Kue Sus - Choux Pastry with Jamaican Rum Custard
I always love eating these wonderfully light and hollow choux pastry. I believe the pastry shell itself was invented centuries ago in France, but Indonesians have adapted the recipe through many generations and added their own twist. I would speculate that the Dutch introduced this delicious snack during their colonialization and it continues to be cherished by the native people. It is commonly known by the name "Kue Sus", maybe because the pronounciation of "choux" resembles "sus". They're also known as cream puffs in English.
My mom has a great recipe for kue sus, the choux pastry is lightly crispy on the outside and hollow on the inside. Her recipe doesn't call for an egg wash and tend to have a paler color than the ones sold at the creampuffs franchise, such as Beard Papa. However, this time I wanted to make those golden creampuffs and used the recipe found at JoyofBaking.com. I am quite pleased with the result. At first I was a bit clueless on the shaping department as I have not made kue sus for a while. I found a solution by piping at a smaller circle going upward.
This is what it looks like before going into the oven.
Kue sus is commonly filled with rum-flavored egg custard and I will share my mom's recipe for the custard. I almost failed in making this custard because I was impatient and my custard ended up too runny. I realized that I needed to wait until the cornstarch is fully cooked before adding the egg yolks and butter. This way, the custard will hold more shape and I didn't need to unnecessarily add more cornstarch. I just have to keep this in mind next time.
Go visit Stephanie's website for the choux pastry recipe. I will upload my mom's choux pastry recipe once I test it in my kitchen. Meanwhile, here's the custard recipe.
Jamaican Rum Custard (Vla)
150 mL milk
50 gr corn starch
100 gr sugar
1 tbsp butter, melted
2 egg yolks
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
a splash of Jamaican Rum
01. Mix 50 mL of milk with the corn starch until blended
02. Mix the remaining milk and sugar in a small pot and bring it to a boil
03. Stir in the corn starch mixture and whisk the mixture until you get a custard consistency
04. Remove from heat, stir in butter, then add the egg yolks while beating quickly to avoid scrambling the egg
05. Stir in the vanilla and rum
06. Let it cool then pipe it into the individual choux pastry
- You can dip the caps of the choux into a chocolate ganache
- You can fill the choux with your favorite custard, whipped cream, or even make it a the nest for your creamy chicken potpies
I hope you'll like it !!
@work, i was gonna say "w00t!! did u make this today?? so i'm gonna be able to munch them tonight???"
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